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iOS Blogging Apps That Will Make Your Blog Popular !

blogging-ios-appsGuest Post - Today's host is John Page, who talks about the best choices for IOS Blogging Apps.See How To Become a guest author on Spice Up Your Blog.

Do you remember those good old days when blogging was just for fun? I can hardly find a decent blog nowadays because even the best of them turn to be the part of the “industry” where practically every blogger is obsessed with earning more money from his blog instead of publishing some interesting blogs just to stimulate people for talking. Making money by means of blogging is not bad for sure. I just appeal to all bloggers to make update their blogs not just for the higher search engine ranks but for posting really interesting ideas that may be helpful for their readers. For instance, in this particular post I’m going to share my own top 4 of nifty blogging iOS applications that were designed by bloggers for bloggers, so to speak. In the picture you see my favorite WordPress for iOS application.


Personally before I bought my first iPhone I was quite irritated by the fact that I cannot update my blog with few new pics or notes whenever I want even if there is no a laptop or PC at fingertips. Luckily, with the development of iOS apps such problem is easily solved since there are so many good blogging programs are offered via the iTunes service. It is quite a challenge to find the best blogging iOS apps because there are few very good and plenty of decent. Plus all blogging can be divided into subcategories – for analytics, SEO, microblogging, social networking sharing or editing content. That is why I decided to create my own list of the best blogging applications that can be used by every blogger despite his preferences and purposes.

Top 4 IOS Blogging Apps

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