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How Google Penguin Update Will Affect Your Blog ?

Guest Post - Today's host is Roger Collings, who looks at the recent Google algorithm change.See How To Become a guest author on Spice Up Your Blog.

In April, Google launched the Penguin algorithm aimed to detecting and filtering out websites and blogs classified as ‘spam’ from its search results. A month later, Google released an update to the Penguin algorithm to identify and blacklist websites which violate its quality guidelines.

While implementing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a standard practice for websites and blogs, the Penguin update is aimed at scrutinizing over optimization and spamming. As a blog owner, if you’ve adopted over-optimization techniques, there’s a good chance that the Penguin update has already hit your blog.

Let’s try and understand what is the Google Penguin update and how does it affect you and your blog?

What is Penguin Update

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